So here is Renee:
Renee is a quite adorable, petite mom of four with an hourglass/athletic shape and a style that is a mix of edgy modern with cultural fusion. Her goal in having me spend time with her was to pare down what was in her closet and update her look so she didn't feel so frumpy when getting dressed in the morning. Probably one of the most dominate issues in her closet was this plethora of boxy over-sized jackets that swallowed her up and was not reflecting her style within.
In case you haven't had me come over to go through your closet, here is a glimpse of how good it can feel to get those pieces you aren't wearing (or shouldn't be wearing) OUT and on their way to someone that can use them.
Renee's closet is now organized by color and clothing type (ie shirts, dresses and pants have their own sections) and she can actually have fun shopping out of her closet each morning, which is the ultimate goal in closet makeovers. Your closet needs to be full of "pieces" not "outfits" so you never grow tired of all the mixing and matching. So, with a list in hand of specific wardrobe pieces needed to finish off her closet, we headed to the Outlet Mall, now with more confidence and direction.
The first thing we did was concentrate on Renee's waist. This is a common body part we wish to hide but in hiding we tend to make the situation worse. So, I was determined to see Renee show off her waist with some new belts and more fitted tops and jackets. Here we are experimenting with layering and different styles and widths of belts:
We had such a fun day, the time flew by. We got Renee started in the right direction and since then she has done a beautiful job of bringing new pieces into her closet that get worn and are right for her, not for the masses. I'll sign off with one last pic of Renee, in one of her completed ensembles and a few words from her....
"Thank you Missy for helping me with my wardrobe problem. Even though I now have much less in my closet, I feel like I have many more wardrobe choices. I am actually saving money when I shop because I am no longer buying clothes that are not right for my body type. Shopping is so much more efficient. What a boost of confidence this whole experience was for me. Thanks again!"
Thank you Renee, you look gorgeous and so youthful! She is a kid at heart afterall! Missy and Aubrey